How many coals should I use for a small hookah bowl?

For a small hookah bowl, it is typically recommended to start with 2 coals. However, the number of coals you use can vary depending on factors such as the type of coal, the size of the coals, and personal preference.

Using 2 coals on a small bowl allows for adequate heat distribution and can help produce decent smoke and flavor. However, it's important to monitor the heat closely during the session. If you find that the smoke is too harsh or the heat is excessive, you can remove one coal or adjust their placement to reduce the heat intensity.

Remember, heat management is key to a satisfying hookah experience. It's always a good idea to start with a conservative number of coals and adjust as needed based on the specific bowl, tobacco, and personal taste preferences. By monitoring the heat and making adjustments, you can find the right balance for an enjoyable session with your small hookah bowl.
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